Project: New forms of sexual violence against women

Goals of the project:

The main objective of this study is to analyze in depth the sexual assaults that are committed in groups from day to day, generating a prevention campaign for women and girls. To this end, the following specific objectives are proposed:

1. Analyze the differential individual risk factors for this type of sexual assault compared to those that occur individually.
2. Evaluate and understand in depth the precipitating and situational factors, as well as the group dynamics that occur in cases of group sexual assaults whose sentence has been prison.
3. Disseminate the results of research on the risk, situational and group dynamics factors that are typical of these attacks to inform professionals.
Obtain the opinion of experts who work with victims of sexual assault and also of professionals who intervene with the aggressors on possible prevention measures that can be implemented for this phenomenon.


Financed by:

In collaboration with:



In collaboration with: 

Secretaría General de Instituciones Penitenciarias

Financed by: 

Ministerio de Igualdad


2023-en progreso