Report: Analysis of cases on racism, xenophobia, LGBTphobia, and other forms of intolerance 2018-2022

Andrea Giménez-Salinas Framis, Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza, Beatriz Fernández Ogallar, Iñigo Gordon Benito, Uxue Martín Silva y Maider Montoya Baños
delitos de odio, racismo
The study analyzes which legal-penal norms are most frequently used in judicial rulings, how many rulings are condemning and how many are acquittal; which population groups are most frequently targeted; and what is the profile of the perpetrators and victims. It also delves into aspects related to the penalties imposed in the analyzed rulings. This publication continues two previous studies, which cover the analysis of cases and judgments between the years 2014 and 2017, and follows the same objective and methodology, allowing for a comparison and an understanding of the temporal evolution of the application of criminal legislation and judicial decisions.